Apr 3, 2013

Noelle Update 4-3-13

I was really, really hoping to do this update at her 12 week mark but alas, a mommy's work is never done and whenever I've gotten a moment I've used it to sleep, do laundry etc. So, here it is & here she is at 12 weeks. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. Noelle is now 13 lbs. and almost 25" long. She's starting to teethe and every thing near her mouth is fair game. This week she's started using both of her hands to maneuver things into her mouth. Sometimes she hits her nose but she never gives up and is thrilled when she can make it happen. She's starting to chew on Sophie, her gel teether from the Baby Einstein play mat and her pacifier, which we put a tiny diluted drop of peppermint on to help cool it off. She's got a baltic amber necklace wrapped twice around her ankle and its been helping a lot. The drooling was getting crazy. It didn't bother me as much as it seemed to, her.

She's trying to sit herself up when she's laying down and her naps are getting shorter and shorter. She's still sleeping well during the night and waking up every three hours to eat. We also change her in the middle of the night and she's been able to avoid any diaper rash so far. She's starting to grow out of her x-small prefold diapers and we're going to be moving into the small sizes soon. I ordered a catbird pikolo carrier and I'm really excited to try the front facing carry position with her. Lots of moms dont reccomend and front carry positions but I just know she's gonna love it and it'll get her used to be carried. Her head control is incredible but not perfected yet- it's just a matter or time though.

She sleeps great in her snugabunny swing during the day and she's still sleeping with us in our bed in her snuggle nest. We haven't given her any vaccinations and are still on the fence about a lot of them. Everyone who sees her is intrigued. We get complimented whenever we go out what a pretty baby we have. She's communicating really well and I'm learning what she wants or needs very quickly now. We've filled up a huge bag with clothes that don't fit her anymore. She's now wearing 3-6 clothes and completely out of her newborn and 0-3 month clothes. She mostly wears onesie pajamas with feet. 

Sometimes she is overcome with excitement! 90% of the time she is all smiles and she talks and talks! We've heard a couple of words come out of her mouth, but nothing intentional yet. She loves assisted standing and crawling. Nothing makes her happier than when all three of us (me, my mom & jeremy) are hovered over her and smiling. She loves to be surrounded by us and chimes in on every conversation. She LOVES when daddy gets home! He calls her squishy bear and cant help but tell her how beautiful she is all of the time. She does great with other people but is all smiles for mama, daddy and grandma. She is always smiling or has a worried look on her face. I keep trying to remind her that she is a baby and that its ok to be silly. She's a little adult with progress on her mind. 

I'm so proud of who she is becoming and how quickly she learns things. She has a gentle, kind spirit and is always up for learning new things. The only times she gets upset are when she's hungry or bored. This baby rarely has gas and is an absolute joy to be around!


  1. So Sweet! It's amazing what a smiley happy baby you have the first time around! Felix is also really happy, but gas is our biggest problem. :( constantly causing him to be cranky at the most random times.
